Eleaf istick TC 40W VS Avatar RS 75W, which is more highlight

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18 Nov 2015
Eleaf istick TC 40W VS Avatar RS 75W, which is more highlight


Which is your favorite? Eleaf istick TC 40W VS Avatar RS 75W

Follow to know their special features

Puff Avatar RS 75W

PUFF RS75W is a box-shaped DNA chipset e cig mod with 7 shining LED colors. It is a high-end device supported by a single 18650 battery. The box measures 92mm by 49mm by 28 mm, this is a real compact and portable device.There are 7 color options to personalize the LED colors: red, deep blue, sky blue, yellow, purple, green, or white.

Special Features
Equipped with the official Evolv DNA 75 chipset
Firmware upgradable
Compatible with Escribe
Full temperature control capability
Supports Ni200 nickel, titanium and stainless steel
Extra settings configured with Escribe
TBody equipped with grooved LED lights
Controlled by a dedicated button to turn on/off and change color
LED lights fire up each time the fire button is pressed
Works with a single 18650 battery
Threaded battery door at the bottom
2.3cm (0.91") OLED screen
EScribe software
Can configure the device by applying changes to the chipset
Comes with an authenticity check code



Eleaf istick TC 40W
iStick TC40W, an innovation of iStick series battery, adopts newly introduced technical element of temperature control. It will bring out a unique vaping experience without any dry hit by adjusting temperature setting. Despite the small size, it can reach 40W with large 2600mAh power capacity. In addition, all stainless steel threads and elastic spring connector endow it with strong wear resistance. With temperature control function, less power and e-liquid consumption will also be a plus. There are 6 colors to option: Black, blue, silver, grey,full black, brushed silver.

Special Features
Temperature control function
Less power and e-liquid consumption
Clear OLED display
Accurate reading of resistance
Large output and power capacity
Stainless steel threads and spring connector
Attached necklace hole



Which one would you choose?

To be honest, both of Puff Avatar RS 75W DNA TC Mod and Eleaf iStick TC 40W Express Ki has their own features. Know more details,welcome to check on ave40, any feedback please contact with info@ave40.com
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