Pre-review : SMOK RPM 4 Pod Mod Kit,change the taste between DL and RDL

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27 Jun 2017
SMOK RPM 4 Pod Mod Kit perfectly complements the RPM series, is more compact and more convenient, and is especially suitable as a device for beginners who want to use DL vaping on the go. SMOK RPM 4 Kit emerges from appeals that vapors desire a sophisticated, portable and stylish vaping device in the current time. The 1650mAh built-in battery with wattage up to 60W maintains sufficient power and strong performance to each puff with great content. SMOK RPM 4 [/ b] Cartridge is compatible with different coil series. SMOK RPM 4 LP2 Pod is compatible with two LP2 coils; SMOK RPM 4 RPM Pod is compatible with all RPM coils. Both have a capacity of 5ml and can provide a continuous atomization experience. Whether you like thick vapor or pure taste, a wide range of power adjustments can make you enjoy endless aftertastes, resulting in a pleasant taste. The chipset itself can recognize many parameters, and the user will receive detailed information about the coil used and the output. Featuring a 0.96 inch TFT display - rich vape data and customizable theme colors are perfectly matched to provide a more intuitive vaping experience. [url = https: //] SMOK RPM 4 Pod Mod Kit [/ b] [/ url] perfectly complements the RPM series, is more compact and more convenient, and is especially suitable as a device for beginners who want to use DL vaping on the go.SMOK RPM 4 Kit emerges from appeals that vapors desire a sophisticated, portable and stylish vaping device in the current time. The 1650mAh built-in battery with wattage up to 60W maintains sufficient power and strong performance to each puff with great content. SMOK RPM 4 [/ b] Cartridge is compatible with different coil series. SMOK RPM 4 LP2 Pod is compatible with two LP2 coils; SMOK RPM 4 RPM Pod is compatible with all RPM coils. Both have a capacity of 5ml and can provide a continuous atomization experience. Whether you like thick vapor or pure taste, a wide range of power adjustments can make you enjoy endless aftertastes, resulting in a pleasant taste. The chipset itself can recognize many parameters, and the user will receive detailed information about the coil used and the output. Featuring a 0.96 inch TFT display - rich vape data and customizable theme colors are perfectly matched to provide a more intuitive vaping experience.

Size: 27.9 x 25 x 103mm
Capacity: 5ml
Resistance: 0.23 / 0.4Ω
Battery: 1650mAh built-in
Power Range: 5W-60W
Standby Current: <100uA
Input Voltage: 3.3V-4.2V
Output Voltage: 0.8V-4.0V
Resistance Range: 0.2ohm-2.5ohm
Charging Voltage: 5V ± 0.2V
Charging Current: Max 1.5A
Overcharge Voltage: 4.3V ± 0.05V
Overcharge Current: 2A ± 0.6A

-1650mAh built-in battery, output power 5-60W, 0.001s firing speed
-0.96Inch TFT Display
-Duck-billed mouthpiece to lock the great taste in your mouth
-New LP2 Meshed 0.23ohm DL Coil
-Stepless Airflow Control
-Transparent Oil Window


1 x SMOK RPM 4 Device (1650mAh)
1 x SMOK RPM 4 LP2 Pod (LP2 Meshed 0.23ohm DL Coil Preinstalled) (5ml)
1 x SMOK RPM 4 RPM Pod (RPM Mesh 0.4ohm Coil Preinstalled) (5ml)
1 x Type-C Cable
1 x User Manual