No va de resistencias prefabricadas. Me huele a algo cerámico...
Hace 20 minutos en ECF:
"New rebuildable part for Tilemahos is a system that will change again the vaping world Adam. The way we make coils right now is a very old style. How wants to take an axis, make threads around it, put it on the deck, screw the bolts with the fear that wire will be moved, take off the axis, put wick with the fear that it will move the wire, who wants to make a new wire when he can clean the existing one, who wants to spend a lot of time to make the perfect coil, who wants to be careful about how fat the wick must be to not move the threads of the wire while is going inside the threads of the wire, who wants to "spend" resistance because legs of the coil dont touch the wick, and finally, who wants to vape China stuff that you dont know the materials they used and what hands touched them, with no ability to clean them and also pay for them 1 euro per resistance that is every 1 week or less?"
Hombre, no hablaba en serio cuando he dicho resistencias comerciales, si el gran Imeo mete resistencias comerciales se me cae el mito xD.